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How to Successfully Complete a Boise Real Estate Short Sale

Short Sale Sellers Beware.  If you are considering avoiding foreclosure by doing a short sale the MOST critical decision you make will be the Real Estate agent that you select to list your home and negotiate the short sale with your lender(s).  The vast majority of short sales fail.  My success rate  has been that I have closed every one that I submitted an offer for, except one about 10 years ago.   We canceled one that an investor owner had for sale because for other reasons he needed to file bankruptcy.   The following article claims that in Florida 14% of short sales succeed.  More important to you, it lists the devastating consequences of short sale failure.  Please read this article entitled  "What Happens When Short Sales Fail?"  I urge you to call me at 208-870-2115 and speak with me about your situation and home if you are considering a short sale, either selling or buying.  It can be frustrating for buyers and devastating for Sellers.  Having an experienced Broker or agent is critical for either transaction.  Don't trust "certifications".  They are a dime a dozen.   An agent can go to a weekend class and get some kind of certification.  NOTHING can equal experience.  I will be glad to show you short sale approval letters, the MLS list of my listed short sales, expirations, cancelations and closed transactions.  you should ask for these things from any agent you consider no matter how many letters he or she puts after their names.

The keywords when it comes to Boise Short Sale are Success and Complete!  Recently a newsletter that came from one of the Realtor Associations warned Realtors that if they are dong short sales and bank owned, foreclosure homes that they need to disclose experience.  Last year they were advertising short sale seminars with the invitation to Come Learn why 90% of short sales fail!

Often sellers have only one shot at completing a short sale before they run out of time and end up in foreclosure.  Beware of certifications and credentials.  There are many very short “certification” courses that allow one to use some sort of claim like certified short sale specialist.  It isn’t a course that results in a successful Short Sale agent.  It is experience.

We have two agents with a combined short sale closure number of 80 in close to just over two years.  Our success rate in closing short sales we begin is around 90%.   We can show you short sale approval letters, the MLS record of listings, active, canceled, and closed sales.  These are questions you should ask any Realtor who you are contemplating having help you do a short sale.

Banks are different.  Some are organized and easy to work with and others are very difficult.  It matters if you have one or two loans, PMI insurance, a HELOC loan and other things.

Listing with the wrong agent is not what you want to do.  Get an experienced short sale agent to help you.   Select the right Realtor   Click here to see Boise Short Sale Listings.